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unreal : Lighting in Living room

Anil Chauhan

Sat, 21 Sep 2024

unreal : Lighting in Living room

Creating realistic lighting in a living room in Unreal Engine involves understanding various aspects of lighting, materials, and post-processing effects. Here's a general guide on how you can approach lighting in a living room setting:

1. **Directional Light:**

   - Start with a Directional Light as your primary light source. This represents the sun or the main light source for your scene. Adjust its rotation and intensity to simulate natural sunlight.

2. **Skylight:**

   - Add a Skylight to simulate global illumination. This helps to bounce light around the scene and fill in shadows. Adjust its intensity and color temperature based on the time of day.

3. **Point Lights and Spotlights:**

   - Place Point Lights and Spotlights strategically to simulate artificial lights within the living room. For example, use Spotlights for ceiling lights or floor lamps, and Point Lights for smaller light sources like table lamps.

4. **Light Mobility:**

   - Set the mobility of lights appropriately. For static objects like walls and furniture, you can use static lighting. For dynamic objects or characters, consider using stationary or movable lights.

5. **Light Bounce and Reflections:**

   - Enable Global Illumination (GI) to simulate indirect lighting and realistic reflections. Adjust the Indirect Lighting Intensity to control the strength of bounced light.

6. **Post-Processing:**

   - Utilize the Post-Processing Volume to add final touches. Adjust parameters like exposure, contrast, and color grading to enhance the overall look of your scene.

7. **Lightmap Resolution:**

   - For static objects, set appropriate lightmap resolutions to ensure detailed and realistic shadows. Higher resolution provides more accurate shadows but may increase computation time.

8. **Materials:**

   - Use physically-based materials for surfaces in the living room. Adjust material properties like roughness and metallic values to achieve realistic reflections.

9. **Lighting Scenarios:**

   - Consider creating different lighting scenarios for day and night. Use Blueprint scripting or Level Sequences to transition between these scenarios smoothly.

10. **Light Functionality:**

    - Utilize features like IES profiles for realistic light distribution patterns. This is especially useful for accurately representing the shape and spread of light emitted from specific fixtures.

Remember that the specific details will depend on your scene, art style, and the atmosphere you want to create. Experiment with different settings, test your scene in various lighting conditions, and iterate to achieve the desired look for your living room in Unreal Engine.


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